The Journey of Thousands of Miles…

Allison Alter
3 min readAug 30, 2023

There are some things that bother me about the rigmarole of discussion about illegal immigration…beyond the hordes of bigots that feel compelled to dispense worthless pennies to their tedious dialogue. It’s absolutely stunning in their predictability…all those illegals coming to rape and murder all the women in the United States with their drugs and food trucks, I guess.

Let’s not let facts get in the way of hate by accepting that the cartel drug problems were mostly created and perpetuated by our decades long blundering foreign policy.

It doesn’t matter that communities with any kind of immigrant are safer than those without. Never mind that White people rape and murder more than any other demographic. And let’s not let facts get in the way of hate by accepting that the cartel drug problems were mostly created and perpetuated by our decades long blundering foreign policy. Like death and taxes, the US can be relied upon to fuck up our engagement with other countries because no one can bother to learn history…Thank all the heavens that the blue-eyed African Jesus could guide the devout Christians in this country in creating school curricula that is completely devoid of facts, and they will top it off with textbooks illustrating humans riding dinosaurs. Such ridiculous people I would love to mock if they weren’t so grotesquely dangerous in their ambition.

Oh, and then there are the many times I heard the stark commentary of how cataclysmic the misdemeanor crime of crossing our border because we simply do not have a good, comprehensive, or accessible way to enter here through the proper channels. It’s inconvenient that migrants fleeing violence we caused and risking unimaginable danger to cross our border to the south must actually enter our territory before they can apply for asylum…so…gasp…not actually illegal. But let’s lock all of ’em up anyway and steal their children because of that hefty misdemeanor of not waiting in line for their deli counter number to come up. I think to be consistent we should take the children away from all of these assholes pulled over for speeding in their trucks draped in the US and Confederate flags…never a more weirdly paradoxical display. Celebrating their patriotism by worshiping traitors, but whatever, they pride themselves on hypocrisy and foolishness.

The fact of the matter is that what will save the US, and the West in general, from our plummeting fertility rates is embracing immigrants of all kinds.

But it’s not actually about illegal immigration. It’s about hating brown people. If they were actually worried about illegal immigration, they’d froth from the mouth at how most of our illegals are people who overstayed their visas. And let’s not say in mixed company that most of these dangerous and wretched illegals coming in hordes to steal all of our good ol’ American jobs that nobody wants, but we simultaneously need in order to function, are mostly from Asia.

The fact of the matter is that what will save the US, and the West in general, from our plummeting fertility rates is embracing immigrants of all kinds. It’s, of course, good for the economy, but diversity is also necessary for society at large. With diversity comes unforeseeable innovation. It also makes us kinder and more empathic. There is a reason why shallow gene pools destroyed monarchies; as a species we were never meant to confine ourselves to those who most narrowly look like us.



Allison Alter

educator, social worker, activist, writer, author of, avid chocolate consumer and kibitzing enthusiast